About us
The Catholic Adult Education of Germany (Katholische Erwachsenenbildung – KEB Deutschland) is the umbrella organization of all Catholic adult education institutions in Germany. The KEB is the largest nonmunicipal provider of general adult education in Germany. It represents a part of the adult education for which a plural society and the public sector are responsible.
The KEB unites about 600 Catholic adult education institutions that are represented by three groups:
• Regional associations in the Federal States of Germany,
• Episcopal representatives of the German (arch)dioceses,
• Catholic education institutions that are united in associations at national level and nationwide Catholic associations
The KEB represents the interests of the Catholic providers of adult education vis-à-vis the German Federal Government, the German Bishops’ Conference and the EU in Brussels. The KEB is a member of the KAW (Council for Continuing Education – Rat der Weiterbildung), the FEECA (European Federation for Catholic Adult Education) and the EAEA (European Association for the Education of Adults).
The KEB is constantly developing a contemporary understanding of adult education supplied by Catholic providers, that it represents and discusses in position statements, symposiums and academic publications.
The KEB organizes national projects and symposiums. Its aim is to continuously develop the quality of adult education and topics surrounding the subject in Germany.
The KEB publishes a quarterly periodical on theory and practice called EB ERWACHSENENBILDUNG (ADULT EDUCATION), book series, publication series and information services.
Catholic Adult Education
represents the Church’s role in the shaping of a plural society and stands for a welcoming Church that is open to dialogue. The Catholic Adult Education of Germany is a major provider of religious/ethical, family, political, vocational, cultural and personal education.
The Christian view of man and Christian social ethics form its basis. It perceives adult education as holistic, value-based and integrated education that empowers independent judgement and responsible behaviour in personal, occupational, societal and political life, according to the lives and needs of the people.
Are you looking for
• ethical and religious orientation?
• support with upbringing issues?
• health care offers?
Do you want to
• understand and help shape societal change?
• obtain a professional qualification?
• discuss the topic of sustainability with others?
• qualify for voluntary activities?
Simply have a look at the programmes of the catholic educational institutions, family education centres, academies and associations in your area. Often specific offers can be developed and provided for groups upon request.
Katholische Erwachsenenbildung Deutschland e.V.
(KEB Deutschland)
Rheinweg 34, 53113 Bonn, Germany
tel.: +49 (0)228 90247-10
fax: +49 (0)228 90247-29
mail: keb(at)keb-deutschland.de